Moonspear theres a reckoning a-coming, and it burns beyond the grave
478 Posts
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I plan on posting one more time so I can count it for a BWP thread!

Tonravik's speech was short-lived, which was fine. Now was not a time for words; it was a time for action, whether that would be banding together like the pack they were or some splitting off to provide for those around them. With the lack of objection to her plans of hunting, she figured Tonravik was okay with it. Echoing the Tartok motto, Nanuk fell silent once more, once more finding their group fortunate that most had made the trek with them. Who knew? Maybe it would be a good thing that the Spine had been hit. Instead of usurping a land (despite how easy that had been), they could start fresh elsewhere. Whatever was decided though would come in time and she rushed none of it.
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[Image: warden.gif] [Image: warrior.gif]
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RE: theres a reckoning a-coming, and it burns beyond the grave - by Nanuk - August 18, 2015, 11:31 AM