Moonspear theres a reckoning a-coming, and it burns beyond the grave
236 Posts
Ooc — Noire
I want this as a BWP thread too.
The Epsilon favored balance in all things. Their very existence led to the upkeep of the intractable wilderness. They were natural cultivators of many ecosystems all across the world. Without them, herbivores would run rampant, eating much (if not all) of the forage. Wolves ate the old and the sick but they also changed the behavior of their prey, driving them away from lands barely dotted with vegetation. Then recuperation begins, various plants, sprouts, and trees flourishing where it was once barren. In turn, this brings flocks of birds, beavers, otters, muskrats, and a multitude of other critters back to recovering land. Wolves killed coyotes which in turn led to more mice and rabbits that fed hawks that sustained weasels that sustained foxes that sustained badgers and so on. In short, their very existence orchestrated the livelihood of everything around them.

But this...what does this accomplish? It tears trees from the ground, it starts fires, it floods gorges and valleys. It makes their home unlivable and disrupts all species' existence – no matter how large or how small. Tatsuya could not comprehend the grand scheme this pandemonium wrought, so he was left to glare bitingly out the yawning cave entrance. Ears flicked back to heed Tonravik's words, sunburst eyes never leaving the entrance until everyone went about doing their own thing. They were all on high alert, stressed by Mother Nature's conniption. The Epsilon felt very much the same. How...wearisome it made him feel. To be cooped up here with several other wolves...He would be glad once this was all over and done with.

Turning, the reverberating click, click, click of his claws on stone could be heard over the howling winds outside. He solicited Tonravik with a committed, but haggard noise before wandering over to an elevated stone of sorts. Level, ample, out of the way. Even the entrance was visible from here. A perfect place to roll up and get some shuteye. Tatsuya, however, chose to stare obtusely at his feet instead. Sleep was recommended, but how could anyone sleep at a time like this...?
[Image: warrior_master.gif] [Image: warden_master.gif] [Image: healerMush.gif]
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RE: theres a reckoning a-coming, and it burns beyond the grave - by Tatsuya - August 19, 2015, 02:07 AM