Silver Moraine So peel away the bark
209 Posts
Ooc — Gina
Why she was out here today, she couldn't put her paw on it, but perhaps it was her wanderlust. Whatever the reason, she was out here, recognizing the barren lands as the very ones she had stood upon wth Reek, Citali, and the other wolf (his name eluded her at the moment) going back and forth about how dreadful this place was. While the land wasn't fit to live upon, there was still some sort of pull here, something that caused her to wander amongst the cold rock instead of just moving around it. Her footing was sure, stable, even upon the slick surface, picking a patch towards the other side of the moraine.

It was only when another scent caught her attention, one familiar and pleasant that made her pause to breathe it in, smiling when she noted that it was none other than Saena herself. She hadn't seen the woman the past few days but simply figured that she was doing leader-type things. But the Amazon girl was not going to pass up the chance to meet with her alpha, now adjusting her course to follow, nose to the ground to make sure she did not lose the scent.

It wasn't long before the fruits of her labor blossomed, the familiar figure ahead of her. She barked to catch the red-tipped wolf's attention, trotting close to eliminate the distance between them. "Saena!" Her tail waved once or twice but then faltered, noting the way the younger wolf held herself as she walked, as if she were pained. This caused Nocta to pick up the pace a little more, until she was right near the leader of the Phoenix wolves. "Saena, what happened? How can I help?" The question "are you alright?" never passed her lips because, quite obviously, she was not alright.
Messages In This Thread
So peel away the bark - by Saēna - September 02, 2015, 08:35 AM
RE: So peel away the bark - by Nochtli - September 02, 2015, 09:19 AM
RE: So peel away the bark - by Saēna - September 09, 2015, 08:54 PM
RE: So peel away the bark - by Nochtli - September 10, 2015, 09:21 AM
RE: So peel away the bark - by Saēna - September 14, 2015, 07:39 PM
RE: So peel away the bark - by Nochtli - September 15, 2015, 11:33 AM
RE: So peel away the bark - by Saēna - September 21, 2015, 10:01 AM
RE: So peel away the bark - by Nochtli - September 22, 2015, 04:36 PM
RE: So peel away the bark - by Saēna - September 27, 2015, 10:29 AM
RE: So peel away the bark - by Nochtli - September 27, 2015, 11:03 PM
RE: So peel away the bark - by Saēna - October 04, 2015, 11:34 AM
RE: So peel away the bark - by Nochtli - October 10, 2015, 08:15 PM
RE: So peel away the bark - by Saēna - October 17, 2015, 10:23 AM