Frostfire Ridge I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him
21 Posts
Ooc —
Sorry for the belated response. Just now seeing this. ×-×" @Citali

Having been a messenger, of sorts, for the pack that housed his family, traveling to another pack was nothing new to him. It was new, however, to approach one without having obtained the proper permissions first. He could do nothing but hope that the territory was abandoned, less he end up answering for the crime of trespassing. The boy was fast, that was a given, but he didn't know anything about the wolves of the Wilds, and especially not of those who could be living where they were heading. He didn't know if he could outrun them, on the off chance things went downhill, which made his hope for the land to be abandoned grow even stronger. That, along with his nerves, amplified as he heard they were getting closer. There wasn't much more space between them and a potential pack. Briefly, he considered turning tail and running, leaving before things got out of hand. Then the woman's words from earlier ran through his head, and the idea of leaving was chased away. He was a wolf. He would not run and hide.

It hadn't taken much longer, just as Citali had said, before they'd reached the border—or at least the place where one use to be. The scents were stale, nowhere near how strong they'd be if the pack was still there. It made him relax further, though his tail still hung over his back like a sickle due to his being alert. Aside from that, though, his body had visibly relaxed, the tension once in his muscles having slipped away. His ears perked when he heard her voice, pulling his nose away from the ground as he shook his head. "I don't smell anything fresh," the hybrid voiced, giving the area around him an once-over before looking back to the elder. As far as he could see, there was nothing there to signal the presence of a pack. "I think they've left," Ragdoll concluded. "Unless they're hiding, and don't care about wolves coming and going whenever they want." That was a ridiculous idea. A wolf wouldn't allow strangers onto their land, unless said stranger was interested in joining. The fact that the scents were stale, and no one had come to greet them, left him confident in the idea that no one was there.
Messages In This Thread
I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him - by Citali - September 08, 2015, 12:09 AM
RE: I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him - by Ragdoll - September 15, 2015, 08:10 AM