Frostfire Ridge I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him
21 Posts
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There was a part of the boy that urged him to stay alert, despite the lack of fresh scents in the area. Waving it off as being nothing more than the nerves that came with arriving in an unfamiliar domain, he listened to what the woman had to say and, albeit a bit reluctantly, lowered his tail. The tension that had driven itself deep into his muscles started to die down, pushing a small breath of air out through his nostrils. They had nothing to fear. He had nothing to fear. A pack of angry wolves was not going to tear him apart—not today, at least. Though he’d managed to unwind, his ears continued to be perked up, but it was not due to a need to stay attentive. Instead, the motion was driven by curiosity alone, as could easily be deciphered with a single look at his face. His pale eyes held a glimmer of interest, and even the corners of his lips seemed to be turned upwards slightly. With one final look at their surroundings, he allowed for his legs to start moving, carrying him in the same direction the elder was heading.
Ragdoll didn’t need to be told twice as he followed after the woman, as excited as ever. He couldn’t wait to reach the vantage point she had mentioned, to look out over the land he’d ended up in. That caused a question to form in his head, and after waiting a few seconds, he decided to break the silence that had settled between them. “Why’d you leave this place?” he asked, his tone doing nothing to hide his interest. Given her knowledge of the view able to be witnessed within the territory, and the way she’d complimented it, he knew she had to have lived there at one point. He couldn't think of a solid reason behind why she'd left, though. Perhaps something drastic had happened, he guessed, or maybe it just wasn’t a place that called to her. His intentions were not to pry, really, but he hadn’t been able to stop himself from asking. To him, it seemed like a nice place to live, and he hadn’t even been there for more than five minutes, at best.
Messages In This Thread
I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him - by Citali - September 08, 2015, 12:09 AM
RE: I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him - by Ragdoll - September 23, 2015, 06:12 PM