Frostfire Ridge I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him
21 Posts
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There was a slight tilt to the yearling’s head in response to her correction, wondering about the story behind it all. He was a curious being, at times, though not always were his curiosities voiced. For a second, he focused on moving up through the territory, the elevation not being something he wasn’t use to. He had, for a good portion of his life, lived atop a mountain, so his body was use to the effort needed when ascending the change in levels. Especially since he’d been a courier, and had needed to go up and down the mountain continuously in order to reach the other packs he was meant to deliver messages to. His focus was pulled from his past experiences and brought pack to the woman as her voice reached his ears. It was odd, the idea of leaving one’s home for the sole purpose of protecting the life of a specific individual. Then again, that simply wasn’t a part of his culture, so his view of the act wasn’t surprising. “Did he ever remember who he actually was?” He assumed he hadn’t, since wouldn’t that have allowed the woman to return home with her sisters and him in tow?
As she spoke, he listened. He was interested, though confused at the same time. Did no kings exist where she came from? None at all? “What are Amazons?” Ragdoll had never heard of the Amazons before, nor did he have the slightest clue as to what their culture was like. He knew only of what he was taught up North, and what he’d witnessed during his travels away from it. Despite his long journey, he never once ran into an Amazon, or anyone from one particular cultural background. Mostly, he’d crossed paths with lone wolves who looked down on him, or wild dogs that wanted to use him. No one had seemed to really believe in anything but themselves, what they were capable of and what they could provide for themselves. The lives of those he’d met had seen miserable, at best, having nothing going for them. Citali, though, she was different. She had left her home with a purpose, and though she’d been unable to complete her mission, she’d still entered the Wilds with a cause in mind. And she remained there, for why he did not know, but surely she had a whole new purpose.
“Do you wonder what happened to him? Where he went?” The hybrid knew not of how things worked in her mind. The prince, the one she was meant to locate, had not sounded like a nice fellow. Even so, he wondered if she ever felt curious of his whereabouts, and what type of fate had fallen upon him. He continued forward, finding that he was beginning to wonder where the male had gone. If he was alive and wandering aimlessly, or dead and buried somewhere, only to never be found. Unconsciously, he nodded, and kept close to the elder as they grew closer to their destination. Though his legs were moving, avoiding anything that might trip him up, his mind was elsewhere. Ragdoll had no reason to wonder about the missing male, having never met him, but he couldn’t help but do exactly that.
Messages In This Thread
I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him - by Citali - September 08, 2015, 12:09 AM
RE: I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him - by Ragdoll - September 26, 2015, 03:02 PM