Frostfire Ridge I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him
21 Posts
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For a moment, Ragdoll found himself feeling pity towards the unknown male, assuming something drastic must have happened to cause him to be anything else than who he once was. The feeling was forcibly cast to the side, however, not wishing to sour the air between them by thinking negatively. Whatever had happened to the other, it was his business and his alone. The hybrid decided against pressing further on the matter, both because he didn’t wish to pry any further, and also because he got the sense the woman could not answer what he wished to know. Whether his feeling was correct or not was up for discussion, but even so, he said nothing more about the wolf who was, but also was not, himself. The whole thing was a bit confusing to him, anyways, though he wouldn’t admit to that aloud.
While he hadn’t the slightest clue as to what an Amazon was, the response he was given shocked him. He’d held no expectations or thoughts as to what their culture was like, and yet, the information provided still managed to tear apart his (nonexistent) ideas. There was a shocked look that spread itself across his face, eyes widening in surprise. “That sounds…” As his voice faded away, his invisible brows lowered, furrowing to create an exhibit of confusion. He couldn’t come up with a word to describe how he felt towards the idea of males, which he was, being kept simply for sport and reproduction purposes. He wasn’t even positive on how he felt towards it. The hybrid was conflicted, he soon realized. While he felt negatively about how his gender was treated, he also felt positively towards the idea of the woman being the sole possessors of authority in a pack. “So there has never been an Amazon king?” he questioned, still trying to fully wrap his brain around what he’s just been told. While his home pack was one of equality, he had heard of packs being controlled mainly by one gender—though the stories he’d heard were usually of males leading entirely, rather than females.
With the new bit of information he’d acquired recently (recently being literally a few moments ago), Ragdoll was not shocked by her disinterest in where the lost prince had gone. He gave a stiff nod of his head as he took in her full answer, but said nothing more on the topic. He could not judge her for her lack of concern towards the male’s whereabouts, nor was he even in the position to do so. The prince was born into a world where the woman rule, but had still tried to claim a leading title for himself. For that, Ragdoll would commend him, but also look upon him as being rather foolish. Though the son of who the wolf-dog assumed to be a queen, he was not meant to rule, as was clear since the Amazon had left him to his own devices.
Ragdoll was pulled from the recesses of his own mind when he, once more, caught the sound of the woman’s voice. He looked passed her then, pale eyes greedily taking in all that they could. Though they’d yet to actually reach the peak of the elevated earth, he could already see far more than what would have been possible on the lower-leveled ground. He could see that the valley was vast, filled with many things he could only hope to see someday. It was just a glance at what could be viewed, however, and had him eagerly awaiting their arrival at the point she was leading him towards. “How big is this land?” he asked, eyes trained towards the distance, sparing only a quick glance at Citali before looking back towards land.
Messages In This Thread
I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him - by Citali - September 08, 2015, 12:09 AM
RE: I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him - by Ragdoll - October 01, 2015, 10:03 AM