calling for you
stones and bones
897 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
Björn could only stand being cooped up in the general vicinity of the injured in Horizon’s Ridge for so long. He was eager to get the wrappings taken off for good - not taken off for brief periods of time while his wound aired out. He had, before departing from the territories with the intention of scouting though he desires laid in the Warden co-rank just for the benefit of stretching his legs, had Thistle fix his wound up in one of her rudimentary wrappings, not wanting to chance the another infection by splitting it open again. It had been chaotic enough the first time and in his delirium fever that had followed had almost resulted in a disaster with the healer in question. Taken with fever, the Viking did not care that she did not accept his advances harboring the rare dark desire of possessing her and taking her though upon the numerous raids Björn had led he had never resulted to taking a woman without consent as his Berserker brothers had, as his younger brother was rather fond of doing. Nevertheless, he had taken the horrid tasting painkillers the fawn colored maiden had given him to consume on his journey and he had departed with the intent of going north once more.

Not so far North that he found himself back at Odinn’s Cove - no Odinn had demanded his presence here in Teekon Wilds, this was where he was supposed to be. For a moment, Björn considered sneaking up to Duck Lake to check to see if Sveinn’s scent was still strong upon the borders of Swiftcurrent Creek, but the scarred Savage denied the desire. Sveinn had no part in this, never had and never would. The boy had to find his own way if he wanted to prove himself worthy of the Gods’ attention.

It was on the cusp of Sunspire that the scarred Viking paused, glimpsing up at the impressive land that stretched upwards towards the heavens. Above, two ravens circled him twice, and in for a few moments his blood pounded in his ears. Huginn, Munnin unmistakable even when they did not perch upon their master’s shoulders. Their screams spoke one word in a mimicry of one another ‘climb, climb' they seemed to urge before they, with a push of their wings downwards soared off, likely back to Odinn to allow the Allfather his greatest of gifts: knowledge. The gash he had taken in the effects of the landslide that had devastated Horizon Ridge was scabbing and healing and so putting it out of his thoughts and concerns he began to climb the slope, eyes focused on the, perhaps treacherous path, before him.

Messages In This Thread
calling for you - by Tonravik - March 26, 2014, 10:22 PM
RE: calling for you - by Ragnar - March 27, 2014, 04:47 PM
RE: calling for you - by Tonravik - March 31, 2014, 08:54 PM
RE: calling for you - by Ragnar - April 02, 2014, 06:51 AM