Frostfire Ridge I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him
21 Posts
Ooc —
Ragdoll discovered himself to have a growing interest in the woman’s culture. It was not something he ever wished to be apart of, for obvious reasons, but that didn’t prevent him from appreciating it. A land with no king, or any sort of male lead. He was curious about what it was like from a male’s perspective, but doubted he’d ever be given the opportunity to ask. If they were kept around for a specific purpose, then surely none would be sent away from their home... right? While he felt he shouldn’t ask her how the males felt with the arrangement, he saw nothing holding him back from asking of their travels—if such a thing was even permitted. “Are the males ever allowed to leave?” He took a second to reevaluate what he’d said, before quickly adding; “Not permanently, but for traveling or exploration purposes.” The yearling couldn’t quite decipher whether or not that, too, would go against what the Amazons believed in. Perhaps the men were kept close, unable to leave, so as not to lose their tool for the creation of the next generations. His brows furrowed as he thought deeper into it, not having the slightest clue as to what would actually be true.
The hybrid’s mind was plagued by thoughts as they progressed, though it all seemed to become of little importance once they reached their stopping point. His eyes were pulled to look out over the valley, and any frustrating thoughts faded away. One of his ears turned slightly to better catch the woman’s answer, awe scrawled across his face. “Sounds like there’s a lot to it,” he commented, optics continuing to scan the outreaches of land. There was so much to explore and see, making him all the more excited to travel further into the valley. “I thought the humans taking me away had been the worst thing to happen,” he started, not necessarily speaking to Citali, but not speaking solely to himself, either. “But this makes it better.” At that, he smiled and gave an unconscious wag of his tail, before glancing over at the elder lupine. “Thank you for letting me come here with you, Citali,” Ragdoll voiced, giving a low nod of his head. He hadn’t picked out exactly where he planned to go from there just yet, but he’d at least decided on a general direction. Journeying through the foreign land was bound to be difficult at times, but he believed himself fully capable.
Messages In This Thread
I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him - by Citali - September 08, 2015, 12:09 AM
RE: I don’t dislike him, I just don’t like him - by Ragdoll - October 06, 2015, 07:57 AM