Sing to the stars, they always listen though they never hear
Loyal to the death
452 Posts
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With a heavy heart after the pack meet, Ferdie Von pelt returned to the place where he had started to make a den earlier. However rather then move to complete the task he lay down and stared at it. Making a den meant moving on, leaving the lone wolfdom behind. After this pack experience; was that truly something he wanted to do...

The brute lifted his head and scented the air there were other den close by, Haunter’s den and perhaps Fox’s den wasn’t to far, the yearling was a strict wolf, though she was alpha she wasn't exactly welcoming or warm. The others he had met were not even kind enough to offer their names, just their distaste.

Ferdie glanced at his back and noticed the wet fur, what a waste of energy... He sighed and pulled himself into a rounded posture taking to grooming himself rather then making a den. Though he was not one to procrastinate normally, the making a den was likely going to be put off again for yet another night, which meant he was going to be cold as he slept, However a full and clean pelt offered some small measure against the cold; so he wouldn’t be to hard off, he hoped...

Ferdie Von Pelt became so fully engrossed in grooming that dusk was nearer to night when he finished and he seemed surprised by this, around him lay piles of sheded coat, the change of season made grooming harder and take longer then normal.

His pelt was full and dry, not a single hair out of place, but now what? It’d be hard to dig a den now. Becoming part of the pack had done little to nothing for easing the loneliness he had sought to quell.

Ferdie glanced up at the sky, the stars making their first appearance. He turned his ears to the back of his head and opened his maw, letting forth a song like he used to do when he was a lone wolf. He sang to no one but himself and for no one but his own satisfaction. He closed his eyes and continued his song curling his tail reflexively over his toes as they got cold due to the cooling night air.