Whitebark Stream hands on the water
20 Posts
Ooc — Zoe
I hope you don't mind him coming in!

Alfie flew through the tree tops, feeling the wind through his spotted brown feathers. He was living in a small maple tree, that had so far escaped the yellowing of Autumn. The young owl hadn't gone far from his original home. He sometimes hoped he would fly by the nest and find his mother waiting there for him. However that was impossible, Varnix was dead. There was still hope that he could find his sister however. So he stayed in the Maplewoods, hoping for a chance to see her again.

Alfie looked down below at a golden wolf by a small river. It was a female he hadn't seen around these parts. The boy had become accustomed to seeing the Maplewood wolves around. Maybe she was an intruder. This intrigued him. But before he decided on anything, he thought, Well I guess I should introduce myself! And with a cheerful swoop, he dived down and landed harshly in a branch by the stream. The sun shining down on his shimmery feathers, Alfie cocked his head to the side, watched the she-wolf with his big dark eyes.

Hello? Yeah hi! Wolfie hi! He spoke, trying to get her attention. The bird was rather sarcastic and sassy when he wanted to be, however most of the time he was innocent.
Messages In This Thread
hands on the water - by Juniper RIP - October 19, 2015, 11:26 PM
RE: hands on the water - by Alvorris - October 23, 2015, 01:50 PM
RE: hands on the water - by Juniper RIP - October 25, 2015, 01:30 PM
RE: hands on the water - by Alvorris - October 25, 2015, 04:07 PM