calling for you
stones and bones
897 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
It's ok! :-)

As Björn pressed forward his progress was measurably slow. It had been quite some time since he had tackled a mountain, and even so he had not been suffering from any noticeable and taxing injury that caused him to compensate for each step he took, limping as it were. As it was, Björn remained stubborn. He needed to prepare himself, injuries be damned; and to prepare he had to strengthen in him what had became weak whether it be from physical injury or lack of use. A small smirk of amusement twitched at his lips in an errant manner as he considered the heart attack Thistle would have probably been having if she were there to see him slowly working his way towards the summit, each step potentially more treacherous than the last. The higher he managed, the stronger the winds beat against him, but he was a Viking and held no fear of death - despite that he was confident Odinn would not allow him to die any time soon.

Pause was given and he peered up to see an ebony wolf watching him from her (though he could not tell her gender at this point) perch above. Ice blue eyes observed her once before they moved back to his path, not daring to make the mistake of looking down until he had reached the proposed safety just above him. At that point, he would allow himself to look down upon the lands and glance at Odinn’s kingdom in all it’s magnificent glory. To see what Huginn and Muninn saw every day was a rare treat but it would be treasured nevertheless as the Viking pushed forward.

Messages In This Thread
calling for you - by Tonravik - March 26, 2014, 10:22 PM
RE: calling for you - by Ragnar - March 27, 2014, 04:47 PM
RE: calling for you - by Tonravik - March 31, 2014, 08:54 PM
RE: calling for you - by Ragnar - April 02, 2014, 06:51 AM