Blacktail Deer Plateau the time has come (ic joining)
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21 Posts
Ooc — Charmy

Date; 4.2.2014
Time; Early afternoon
Status; IC Joining


It had been far too long since she’d had social interaction with others, and even longer since she had been a part of a pack, any pack. It wasn’t like she had been in several others, though. She’d been born into that of her parents’ pack that they led and was held in high esteem, but purely because of whom her parents were. She didn’t want that. She wanted to be liked and respected for her and not for who her parents were. The girl had been just barely over a year of age when she had made the decision to leave. Her parents had tried to talk her out of it, but she had made up her mind and would not be talked out of it. When she left, she’d done so without looking back. Not even once.

It had been ten months since she had left the land she’d been born in. At first, she had missed her family but stubbornness had prevented her from returning. She knew that her mother, the bitch that she could be, would purely say ‘I told you so’ if she had returned home. Sabriyah would not give her mother that satisfaction. Opting to not join any packs that were even remotely near the pack she had been born into, the young female had kept right on traveling. She socialized every so often, but even that was few and far between. As it was, it had been a couple of months since she had willingly interacted with any others.

It was time, though. Time to find somewhere to settle. With that in mind, the young female wandered, smelling out different packs. Yet, she opted to not approach any of the ones she had sniffed out. Until now. Now, she followed her nose, smelling out a pack on the plateau. There was something that smelled different, that drew her in, that the other packs she’d sniffed out didn’t. Sabriyah couldn’t put her paw on it, but opted to not question it either. Following her nose, she moved along the base of a mountain pass and made her way toward where she scented the pack borders.

Stopping at a respectful distance, the young female tilted her head back and let forth her song, seeking the company of someone in charge. If she was going to do this, finally join a pack after almost a year of being on her own, she didn’t want to make small talk with anyone lower than the leaders. Once her song died down, she lowered her head and prepared herself to show submission once a leader arrived. It was now a waiting game.

Messages In This Thread
the time has come (ic joining) - by Sabriyah - April 02, 2014, 06:03 PM
RE: the time has come (ic joining) - by Sabriyah - April 02, 2014, 06:45 PM
RE: the time has come (ic joining) - by Sabriyah - April 02, 2014, 07:01 PM
RE: the time has come (ic joining) - by Sabriyah - April 02, 2014, 08:22 PM
RE: the time has come (ic joining) - by Sabriyah - April 02, 2014, 08:43 PM
RE: the time has come (ic joining) - by Sabriyah - April 02, 2014, 09:08 PM