Sing to the stars, they always listen though they never hear
Loyal to the death
452 Posts
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Ferdie Von Pelt averted his eyes as she ate and coughed twice while looking up at the stars, his breath coming out as little puffs of white haze as the temperature reached that cold point. When she began to speak again his gaze settled upon her, he had to really resist the urge to help her groom herself.

“Well I don’t really have a den made yet either I started digging,” he looked over his shoulder at the scuffed dirt he had dug and the leaves he had collected ”But you are right the ground is not very pliable” Ferdie stood and stretched, immediately his toes felt colder now exposed to the air after having been covered by his tail, not that he let that bother him.

If Ferdie took her up on the offer of a warmer place to sleep tonight he’d be obligated to help her dig it out later. She was a younger wolf, she might not have interest in denning with him long term. He didn’t want to impose though so he was torn. She might like to den with this Bones she mentioned though he had never met Bones himself and he learned long ago three was just too much in a den.

He walked in a circle and looked up at the moon, it offered some light now that the sun was gone, Ferdie a didn’t have much of a choice tonight if he wanted a good night rest.

By the river you say?” He asked absently offering her a chance to just slip away or invite him