Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning
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46 Posts
Ooc — CJ
rip tenzin's pride :'((

"Bkjig 'Brug!!" the monk called again, louder, but it fell on deaf ears as the wrath awoke in the beast's heart. Tenzin shrunk and curled defensively like a cornered cat, baring his fangs open in a silent hiss as the Dragon broke free of its momentary stun. There was nothing more he could do. Where he had tried to save the lives of many as opposed to one, perhaps he underestimated the value of such lives. Surely one weighed more than many combined, but Tenzin had not evaluated the situation closely enough to notice. He did not think far enough ahead and surely had no way to defend himself against the Dragon who had razed Jokhang. He did not think far enough ahead to prepare himself for this.

The Dragon's approach became furious and Tenzin recoiled, turning his face away with shut eyes. The rage from the beast before him was hot on the monk's face and he cried out as the Dragon's sharp teeth tore flesh on his face and cheek. The attack caught his ear as he turned away, eventually subsiding on his neck and shoulders before the beast shifted into a different attack. A pressure suddenly deafened him and he registered himself being lifted by the skull, only to meet the ground with a solid impact. A ringing in his ears dazed him and he opened eyes slightly to try and assess the situation, but his vision was too blurry. Another impact drove him to the ground and he was raked with tooth and claw.

Tenzin threw his head toward the large beast, jaws open in an attempt to make any contact that he could. The two of them wrestled for some time, but it was always the monk on the receiving end. Again and again he was thrust into the dirt, wounds fresh and bleeding over most of his body though centralized to his head and neck. Relentlessly, he snapped back, but Tenzin was not strong in head-to-head combat. He could kill a wolf with one bite, but not the Dragon. The Dragon was not a wolf. "Srul-" he choked out as the Dragon grabbed him by the throat and lifted him from the ground. A gurgling of lost words fell away as he struggled against the unnatural pull of gravity.

Again, he was airborne. Tenzin twisted awkwardly in the air before hitting the large, thick trunk of the white tree. Dropping to the ground with a light thud, the monk lifted his head with great effort to try and view the Dragon now. His ears were still ringing and his body ached all over. Shaking, he slowly regained his breath as he glared toward the beast. Tenzin no longer cringed as the Dragon roared, clicking its jaws near the monk's face. "My brothers," Tenzin called softly within his mind, reaching for his meditation state but could not find it. As the Dragon taunted from above, where were his monks? Tenzin wondered the same thing. Had he truly been separated from them? There was no more fight left within him, however, and Yasuo Tenzin slumped into a weak and broken collection of blood and fur.

There was a proposition—no, a claim—from the Dragon and Tenzin only barely recognized it. His blue eyes searched the shadow before him but his world was still a blur. The only sounds the monk could utter were pained wheezes as breath painfully passed through his bruised throat. There was a thundering as the shadow moved away, and Tenzin could only assume the Dragon was going to search for Dawa. An awful howl sounded from nearby and the monk lifted a lip in disgust as he twitched awkwardly among the roots of Chenrezig. For a brief moment, he thought he caught a glimpse of Xi'nuata coming toward him, but his world spun rapidly upwards before finally going black.

Darkness surrounded him. He was not meditating. He was still and quiet and his mind was blank. There were very few times when, as advanced of a monk as he was, his mind was blank. There was nothing to focus on. Not his gods, his brothers, his sisters, Dawa - there was nothing but still, quiet sleep.

exit! he passed out / likely has a concussion

Messages In This Thread
Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning - by Xi'nuata - March 21, 2014, 09:04 PM
RE: Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning - by Ayvo - March 22, 2014, 08:02 AM
RE: Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning - by Acacia - March 22, 2014, 02:44 PM
RE: Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning - by Velox - March 23, 2014, 09:19 PM
RE: Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning - by Tenzin - March 28, 2014, 01:37 PM
RE: Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning - by Acacia - March 28, 2014, 11:40 PM
RE: Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning - by Acacia - March 29, 2014, 07:49 PM
RE: Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning - by Acacia - April 02, 2014, 08:09 PM
RE: Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning - by Acacia - April 03, 2014, 11:03 PM
RE: Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning - by Tenzin - April 04, 2014, 02:23 PM
RE: Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning - by Tenzin - April 04, 2014, 04:59 PM
RE: Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning - by Tenzin - April 04, 2014, 06:39 PM
RE: Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning - by Acacia - April 06, 2014, 09:50 PM
RE: Pack Event- The Mountains were Groaning - by Acacia - April 08, 2014, 07:08 AM