Northstar Vale Lost but not forgotten.
51 Posts
Ooc — Java
This mortal vessel which Raheerah heralded with such a vigorous faith was finally at a point of ruination that could not be undone. This was fact. The way she could not feel anything from her hips down was a great and terrible sign but also a sort of relief, for many things lay prone upon her, not including a high pile of packed snow. At first Dawa thought she was numb because of the frigidity of it; but then as Raheerah dutifully grabbed her nape and wrenched her free, there was still nothing. It was possible that his toothy grasp distracted her senses. The dragon's touch made a searing heat permeate her skin upon contact. He released and she was draped across the open ground; sinking only slightly where the snow and soil met, becoming slush and mud. The pain made her wince and press her face down low. Chin dragged for a brief interval upon the ground before that sensation brought it up again. The beast's whine caught in her ears and she focused on his emotional turmoil, for the sound, bittersweet as it may have been, gave her something to hold on to.

When her skin had calmed and the nerves no longer protested, the woman simply sat. The wind pried between them briefly and Dawa shuddered with the cold, but it was here that she realized there was no feeling. He had indeed pulled her free, but it was too late. The damage had been done. Had Dawa been able, she would have seen it. The crookedness of her lower back, now set to match the rest of her. Rear legs splayed out without any sense. Halfway down the length of her ruddy coyote tail there was only red, which soaked and spread through the snow behind her. A part was missing, but still she felt no pain from the loss. Dawa remained oblivious of these new wounds - except for the stench of blood that was swiftly picked up and tossed around the pair.

Naturally, the healer felt a need to fix. She fumbled with her body, wanting to move closer to Raheerah and inspect him. Her nose briefly brushed through his thick fur. He was too far away and Dawa could not close the gap. "Blood?" She queried with a sharp-pitched sound behind the meat of her cheeks; "-the avalanche," she sputtered with the realization of it. How many had they lost? Her mouth was dry but Dawa had to ask - "How many?" - even if her questions made little sense in her current state.

Messages In This Thread
Lost but not forgotten. - by RIP Dawa - April 05, 2014, 01:55 AM
RE: Lost but not forgotten. - by Raheerah - April 05, 2014, 12:21 PM
RE: Lost but not forgotten. - by Tenzin - April 05, 2014, 06:19 PM
RE: Lost but not forgotten. - by RIP Dawa - April 06, 2014, 01:38 PM
RE: Lost but not forgotten. - by Raheerah - April 08, 2014, 01:09 AM
RE: Lost but not forgotten. - by RIP Dawa - April 08, 2014, 09:36 PM
RE: Lost but not forgotten. - by Raheerah - April 09, 2014, 10:41 PM
RE: Lost but not forgotten. - by RIP Dawa - April 09, 2014, 11:03 PM