Northstar Vale Lost but not forgotten.
51 Posts
Ooc — Java
There was little indication that Dawa felt anything akin to care for the names that were stated, although she did breathe a bit heavier at the mention of the monk; the thought of Tenzin even slightly injured was not something she had considered, and the mental image was withheld from her, as it often was. Still, she eased a pitiful whine from her heavy chest for him. The other names slipped on through her ears without a response, as she was beginning to drift. Exhausted and horribly disfigured by her wounds, Dawa was technically in a state of shock.

"Blood, yes." He rumbled, vibrating the earth upon which she sat, and the woman lethargically tried to shift her position. Her legs remained numb. "Yoouur blood."

This news was unsettling, and though Dawa could not place the sickening twist within her gut as any identifiable emotion, she still managed to feel it. Suddenly slack-jawed. It felt like her mind was filling with water, and with a cow-eyed stare she blinked away the wetness that sprang to life upon the pale pearls of her vision. Sadness? Grief? No, she did not experience these things. The tears that spilled forth were a physical manifestation of her shock and utter confusion.

A line of fluid creased a dark trail along her cheek, and then canted to a point upon her chin. Following the path of least resistance upon the crooked surface. "Tell me," she ordered with a personally unnatural insistence, "...tell me what is wrong." The cleric was a victim of circumstance; but she was still a cleric, and logic demanded that she diagnose the error of her body in some manner.

If that meant hearing a detailed description, so be it. Dawa closed the lids across her eyes and attempted to clear the wet feeling from her face, and then with a sudden lift of her head, stared directly at Raheerah's darkness. As if she could see in to him despite being level with his chest. She had to know.

Judging by the way her shoulders began to slump, there was only so much energy left within her. Soon Dawa would be asleep again, and it would be time for Raheerah to take her somewhere safe.

Messages In This Thread
Lost but not forgotten. - by RIP Dawa - April 05, 2014, 01:55 AM
RE: Lost but not forgotten. - by Raheerah - April 05, 2014, 12:21 PM
RE: Lost but not forgotten. - by Tenzin - April 05, 2014, 06:19 PM
RE: Lost but not forgotten. - by RIP Dawa - April 06, 2014, 01:38 PM
RE: Lost but not forgotten. - by Raheerah - April 08, 2014, 01:09 AM
RE: Lost but not forgotten. - by RIP Dawa - April 08, 2014, 09:36 PM
RE: Lost but not forgotten. - by Raheerah - April 09, 2014, 10:41 PM
RE: Lost but not forgotten. - by RIP Dawa - April 09, 2014, 11:03 PM