The Sentinels our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be
slowly drifting, wave after wave
826 Posts
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by this time, deirdre knew of her brother and had opened her heart to him. the thing was the size of her body—bigger, even!—and as she saw his face break the uniform darkness in their den that seemed stagnant at the time, deirdre hoisted herself upward before she raced toward him. her energy became boundless as the cub hollered to him, dee da mro eest mmmm eeee-ew! which of course meant, i am so happy to see you!, the truth of it undeniable from her presentation.

deirdre nearly careened into him, and then reared on two hindlegs and began to jump so that she might reach his face and bring him to her height. her strength was uncontested; she easily could push her father down, after all, and though she balked at the first time she had done it, fearful of hurting him and having not intended that end, when she realized he was in no pain she enjoyed the results and the fun afterward. of course deirdre hadn't any idea that she wasn't actually a woman with herculean strength, and that her father humored her and her gentle tackles and take-downs that really could not hurt a fly (if not because of how soft her touch was, then certainly because of her lack of coordination). come down here!!! deirdre babbled, zipping around and between and through his legs as she made an infinity loop perhaps a hundred times over there. and then she resumed leaping upward to kiss whatever she could reach, tail whipping around all the while. yes, she was happy.
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RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - by Deirdre - January 20, 2016, 11:17 AM