The Sentinels our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be
leave that old record spinning
745 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she babbled and raced at him like a little cotton candy blur. Cas laughed out loud. "oh, no!" he shouted, pretending to be dragged slowly to the ground. "you're so ... strong, Deedee!" when he had been 'vanquished,' the darkfurred Mayfair boy stretched out happily on the floor of the den and closed his eyes. "you killed me," was the last thing the corpse said, before lapsing into silence. and death.

what would his sister do? Cas tried hard to stop the chortles from erupting; he shook silently against the dirt, making muffled little 'mmph' sounds. the stress of his meeting with Aria had faded; it was just him and his sister now, acting like silly little beetles.
please send all PMs regarding garait & casmir to relmyna
[Image: casfoot.jpg]
Messages In This Thread
RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - by Casmir - January 20, 2016, 06:12 PM