The Sentinels our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be
leave that old record spinning
745 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she climbed onto him instead of being startled like he assumed; Cas laughed harder but didn't rise as her small paws pressed into his lips, eyebrows, cheeks, followed by tiny licks of her little tongue. she kissed him between her feet, tickling her fur with the gestures. finally he could take it no longer; he chortled merrily and raised his muzzle gently to dislodge deidre, parting his forepaws for her small fall into them. when she had presumably done so, he laved her ears gently and then pretended to nip her. "wanna spar a lil, Deeds?"

omg my cas muse is so low i cry
please send all PMs regarding garait & casmir to relmyna
[Image: casfoot.jpg]
Messages In This Thread
RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - by Casmir - January 22, 2016, 05:12 PM