Mount Apikuni Dangervisit
417 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
=~__~= mmm...
idk how we should decide this outcome? Just keep going at it T1 style or decide it ooc'ly or dice roll? Just want to make sure we are both ok with everything happening :-) *hug*

Xi'Nuata would never understand the powerful want which drove Tuwawi to defend her piece so viciously, unrelenting with every fiber. It was food she had earnestly tracked and hunted for the bedridden Njal. He was so sickly... riddled with chills and hallucinations; and the caches near their den had been depleted. Even prey could only be found few and far in between. And now, so close to delivering her prize, the Vale woman sought to easily drive her off? Like she was a petty scavenger? When they weren't even on Northstar territory? Tuwawi had made it clear that she had claimed this prey for herself, without question, but still Xi'Nuata pushed and pushed. Any chance to backtrack was lost when the satisfactory taste of first blood flushed the creek woman's palate, the desire to champion this foe building with every second spent battling her away. Words were beyond Tuwawi now, giving into more visceral actions to prove her point. Bargaining with an opponent so simple was worthless anyway.

Small garnet gems of blood dotted Tuwawi's cheeks as Xi'Nuata sputtered defiantly, gashes raked across her broad maw from the red antagonist's well-aimed punch. The larger knight surged unyielding, continuing her charge through the attack despite the affliction; but Tuwawi's swift limbs danced away to evade the onslaught, light body working favorably against such a swaggering presence. Xi'Nuata's hefty jaws loomed, regardless, in an attempt to grapple Tuwawi's muzzle, perhaps to force her down. However, still, the smaller woman retained the upper hand when it came to speed. Only a fleeting pressure of teeth to skin was felt before Tuwawi's narrow face slipped from her grasp; a glancing strike at best. Raw strength was useless if Xi'Nuata couldn't land a hit.

As her opponent's second attempt turned fruitless, Tuwawi sought better ways to bleed out and tire the hefty woman. When she recoiled, her heels dug into the dirt. A platform upon which to parry was discovered as she lurched like red lightening back unto the bleeding face of Xi'Nuata. With the vale woman's head twisted away, Tuwawi sought out her vulnerable cheek, just below the ear. Stained jaws laid agape with murderous intent, partnered stormy eyes lucid with purpose. She was hungry. Hungry to keep what was her's. Hungry to prove the resilience of the creek. Hungry to uphold the savage values of Tartok.
currently sports a radio collar around her neck. 
Messages In This Thread
Dangervisit - by Tuwawi RIP - March 23, 2014, 08:45 PM
RE: Dangervisit - by Xi'nuata - March 23, 2014, 11:15 PM
RE: Dangervisit - by Tuwawi RIP - March 27, 2014, 02:37 AM
RE: Dangervisit - by Xi'nuata - March 27, 2014, 08:53 AM
RE: Dangervisit - by Tuwawi RIP - April 13, 2014, 05:45 PM
RE: Dangervisit - by Xi'nuata - April 13, 2014, 08:54 PM
RE: Dangervisit - by Tuwawi RIP - April 14, 2014, 12:33 AM
RE: Dangervisit - by Xi'nuata - April 14, 2014, 11:03 PM
RE: Dangervisit - by Tuwawi RIP - April 25, 2014, 02:55 AM