The Sentinels our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be
leave that old record spinning
745 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she seemed to grant him a reprieve, and Cas thumped his tail happily on the floor of the den, relieved. Dee then cocked her head, eliciting an 'aww' from her soft-hearted brother -- she was just so freaking cute! he cottoned on to the fact that she was interested in the sounds he was making, and so he grinned, whining again, and then following that with a soft chuff and a low bark. his golden eyes were bright -- what would his sister make of them? would she try to emulate?
please send all PMs regarding garait & casmir to relmyna
[Image: casfoot.jpg]
Messages In This Thread
RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - by Casmir - February 02, 2016, 11:50 PM