mirror of fate
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46 Posts
Ooc — CJ
today i discovered ooc tags, wow! mind blown -- hot table!

As Lecter's eyes grew hard, the monk's grew more soft to counterbalance. He could not help but muster a chuckle when the shaman offered to curse his assailant. To say the Dragon was stupid brought a smile to Tenzin's face, the simplicity of the word easy on his ears. It was such a simple explanation. Lecter had used the word cur and Tenzin wondered if the fellow old male had an inkling about what had happened. The monk supposed it probably would not be hard to guess, especially from older, wiser mind.

"There is no need," Tenzin said softly to the offer, "it has cursed itself." And truly, by whatever foul plan the Dragon swore by, it had. Though the Dragon fire was hot within its mouth now, surely it would choke on the smoke later. There was only a matter of time before such a beast would suffocate.

When the shaman agreed to accompany him, Tenzin stretched as much as his sore body would allow before setting off through the break in the trees. He took this time to assess the scent on Lecter. "What has bloodied you, my friend?" he asked gently, perhaps almost worried. There had never been a time when Tenzin was leading the Vale that he knew he would survive as an alpha - not here, not among these wolves. He cared for all things, good or bad, and did not wish to appear physically dominant over one or the other. It was not in his nature to force submission nor was it his duty. It was almost a relief that the Dragon took such a role from him.

The spring was located near the edge of the cliff face of the large mountain. It hadn't been too far from where the aged males had been originally. They arrived at the spring in due time, the smell of sulfur growing stronger as they approached. "It does not smell pleasant, but it feels nice," the monk muttered, slowly letting himself dip into the shallow end of the pool. He lay there in the shallow water with his head resting on one of the cool, smooth rocks that bordered the pool. A sigh eased out of him as he rested. "Have you always lived near here?" he asked, feeling blessed for such warm springs. Jokhang had nothing like this. It was a cold, unforgiving place.

Messages In This Thread
mirror of fate - by Tenzin - April 12, 2014, 08:46 PM
RE: mirror of fate - by Lecter - April 13, 2014, 05:53 PM
RE: mirror of fate - by Tenzin - April 13, 2014, 08:26 PM
RE: mirror of fate - by Lecter - April 14, 2014, 10:00 AM
RE: mirror of fate - by Tenzin - April 14, 2014, 07:47 PM
RE: mirror of fate - by Lecter - April 16, 2014, 08:32 AM
RE: mirror of fate - by Tenzin - April 16, 2014, 02:09 PM
RE: mirror of fate - by Lecter - April 16, 2014, 03:46 PM
RE: mirror of fate - by Tenzin - April 22, 2014, 06:56 PM
RE: mirror of fate - by Lecter - April 22, 2014, 09:16 PM
RE: mirror of fate - by Tenzin - April 23, 2014, 01:15 AM
RE: mirror of fate - by Lecter - May 03, 2014, 12:35 PM
RE: mirror of fate - by Tenzin - May 11, 2014, 10:03 AM
RE: mirror of fate - by Lecter - May 13, 2014, 06:55 PM