Noctisardor Bypass Paradise Empty
Empress of Manipulation
348 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Actress meets manipulator?? This should be good, hehe

Compared to other periods in her life, the female hadn't been traveling for very long at all. Her departure from her empire had been swift, leaving behind her ex-lover in favour of living a free life once more. Surprise, surprise, her aimless journeys had set her on a direct course towards Teekon. It felt like a long while had passed since she'd last been present within the vast land, and she wondered how much things might have changed—rather, she wondered how many new faces were present. She had discovered that, the newer a wolf was within a certain area, the easier it was to weasel into their mind and convince them to do her bidding. For young males, the task seemed even easier, though she did not intentionally seek them out. No, Sen just allowed her legs to take her anywhere, and then she would adapt to the situation.

Of the various places she could have gone, one in particular that she had favoured above most others, the woman had found herself entering a valley unfamiliar in appearance and scent. She doubted she had ever stepped foot within in before, or if she had it wasn't intriguing enough to have left an impression. Either way, her goal was to find a quick meal within the naturally crafted cage, her stomach groaning in protest towards her lack of calorie intake. Alas, she did not crave rabbits or voles, and being who she was it wasn't strange for her to be picky. What she wished to sink her teeth into could not be brought down by her alone, and so it was for that reason that she'd taken to following the scent of a wolf over prey.

It was another female, the snake could tell, which meant she would need to use a different approach. It was an unfavourable circumstance, yet her options were presently limited, more or less forcing her to take anything offered. It was with begrudging movements that she'd stalked after the stranger, silent in her ways and senses on high alert. When she had spotted the unknown wolf, however, her posture and expression morphed to resemble panic and her pace increased to close the distance between them quickly, barely managing to get out a short chuff before she was skidding to a halt. Sen's gaze was wide and her breathing rigid, for her act had begun. "I-I'm sorry for disturbing you but-" she cut herself off as she took in a great gulp of air, appearing to try and calm herself when, in truth, she was merely adding to the effect. "I need your help. It's my children, they- they're ill. They need food to keep their strength up, but I... I can't catch anything on my own, I-" Another pause. "I'm sorry for disturbing you, but they're all I have left." On the outside she was hysterical, but in her mind she was gagging.
Notice: Sen's actions and words do not, in any way, reflect my OOC opinion.
Messages In This Thread
Paradise Empty - by Seth Eleos - February 19, 2016, 12:09 AM
RE: Paradise Empty - by Sen - February 19, 2016, 12:43 AM
RE: Paradise Empty - by Seth Eleos - February 19, 2016, 02:59 PM
RE: Paradise Empty - by Sen - February 19, 2016, 05:17 PM
RE: Paradise Empty - by Seth Eleos - February 20, 2016, 04:08 PM
RE: Paradise Empty - by Sen - February 20, 2016, 04:25 PM