Tormented Tarns Orion and His Belt
✨ Child of the Stars ✨
17 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
It was by some mysterious stroke of luck that the child had spotted her, his interest immediately piqued. He was, by nature, a sociable boy, never being one to turn down an opportunity at speaking with another living soul. Back home, he would have approached her right away, completely disregarding any potential dangers that might arise from such an impulsive action. Here, however, he knew not what to expect. Even still, his right forelimb had raised, fully prepared to initiate the closing of the distance between them, before an echo of a voice had stopped him dead in his tracks. Few words had been exchanged between himself and his grandmother upon his admittance to the journey he'd planned, causing her warning given to stand out against all else. She had told him to be careful, to be weary of strangers and ensure they had no ill intentions prior to approaching them. That alone kept him glued down in place.

While Minshi was not prepared to engage the stranger in any sort of encounter, his interest in her seemed to skyrocket. He knew not of the throes she'd recently endured, nor had he any clue as to what her purposes for being there were, but that did little to quell his desire to speak with her. The star child had to fight every instinct in his body in order to stay in place, though those efforts never managed to reach his inky gaze. One look and anyone could see the internal struggle he was having with himself, his silent fascination with the golden wanderer sitting atop the throne of it all.
Notice: All of Minshi's decisions and/or decisions concerning him will be decided via dice roll.
Messages In This Thread
Orion and His Belt - by Minshi - March 04, 2016, 10:08 AM
RE: Orion and His Belt - by RIP Hosannah - March 05, 2016, 10:17 PM
RE: Orion and His Belt - by Minshi - March 06, 2016, 01:43 AM
RE: Orion and His Belt - by RIP Hosannah - March 08, 2016, 02:43 PM
RE: Orion and His Belt - by Minshi - March 09, 2016, 12:20 AM