Cassiopeia's View You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars
See how the game of life is never won, you only play
7 Posts
Ooc — Infinity or Rin
Seeing the wolf’s sudden change in mood due to her sarcastic comment, Zilla’s gaze instantly snapped back to the she-wolf before her, landing directly on the fangs bared in her direction. Her ears turned back and she took another step backwards, but doing so caused her to quickly remember her predicament; she was on a ledge, and not an incredibly stable one at that. She couldn’t afford to keep taking blind steps backwards, however, she certainly wasn't going to just stand within lunging range of the older wolf. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, huh? Having briefly glanced down to her hind paws, she looked back up at the wolf and flinched inwardly at the thought of being hunted down like prey. She knew loners were desperate and savage at times, but cannibalism had oddly never crossed her mind. Great. Add more dangers to the list why don’t we? Clearly, this wolf was not one to teased, so Zilla would have to be a bit more careful with her remarks and body language. She did not exactly submit to the older after hearing the threat, but she certainly shut her muzzle and began to think of other ways to approach this. Oh look. She had thought of team hunting as well. Perhaps great minds think alike. For Zilla to suggest the idea in the first place was one thing, but now that it was on the table, she’d seem like an idiot to decline the change of a successful hunt. Who cares what she has to do; they could both get food out of it, and if this wolf wanted to take it for herself, Zilla would just have to be one step ahead. She might have the speed advantage anyway, and if they could just get away from this ledge... “Alright.” She stated simply, eyes narrowed with irritation about her mouth “chasing the prey away first”. “But I’m NOT the main course, we clear on that?” Perking a brow at the wolf, she turned her nose up to the wind and began to scan the area, checking for any signs of prey. None yet. Suppose they’d have to do team tracking first.
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RE: You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars - by Zilla - March 20, 2016, 07:47 PM