Cassiopeia's View You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars
See how the game of life is never won, you only play
7 Posts
Ooc — Infinity or Rin
Apologies for the super long wait. I got caught up in last minute projects from my school. ^^'

When one travels such a long, weary mile in search of their next meal, hunger clawing at their empty belly like a vicious beast from the underworld, all of their thoughts become dulled and their senses fade. The energy and strength that once flowed through their limbs is gone, and they feel ready to collapse- to leave their scrawny body as food for the vultures. Had Zilla been psychically keen enough to know she’d be hunting today, her first impression of how she’d perform would be slow, sluggish, and uncoordinated, not unlike her train of thought at the time. When that furry little creature darted out of the bushes and her feet - as if against the user’s will - tore after it, she was genuinely stunned to find just how much strength she could conjure from several days of nothing.

Her mind and body, which had been drifting so far apart since the day of her independence, came into complete unison, driven by the mad desire for food in her body. She no longer felt any snarky remarks floating around in her mind, no longer had clear thought or opinion- she was a pure animal of instinct now. As if driven by an outside force, she race after the rabbit like a dark streak, paws flying over the ground, blue eyes so wide with concentration that she looked mad. She darted up and to the side, dodging any obstacles in her way as she desperately tried to close the space. 

A few minutes into the chase, as her mind began to slowly come “back online” so it could recognize the rabbit’s movements and predict its next moves, she remembered her situation and took a quick moment to glance at Pallas, finding the other loner to be following the rabbit from a wider angle. The other wolf seemed incredibly slow to her, but then again, she had to remind herself that not everyone had her light and swift gait. Wait. Was she limping? No longer able to keep looking (out of fear she’d run right into a tree), she groaned and quickly turned back around. Alright… I can make this work… She thought, then began to change course and turned left, causing the rabbit to go right. Zilla made a wide U-turn on the animal, herding it back towards Pallas. When the creature spotted the paler loner and tried to run in a different direction, the younger wolf leaped forward, right in the rabbit’s path, sending it straight for Pallas.

Then snap! The paler wolf lunged forward and killed the panicky creature. Seeing it’s dead body hanging limp from her accomplice’s jaws, Zilla slowed to a stop and wagged her tail in triumph, jaws parted as she panted with exhaustion. Her stomach gave a loud grumble, as if scolding her for exerting more energy than she had, but she didn’t care. Her blue gaze landed on the small creature, hunger apparent in her eyes. It was small and definitely wouldn’t satisfy one wolf, let alone two, but if they could both split what little there was evenly, they’d both be more energized and ready for another hunt.

“So, how you wanna do this?” She panted to the larger female, tilting her head curiously. The thrill of the hunt, however brief, seemed to wipe away her bitterness from earlier- Zilla’s main goal was food now, and the prospect of actually having some put her in a better mood.
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RE: You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars - by Zilla - April 02, 2016, 01:22 PM