Sleeping Dragon there is only one god and his name is death
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258 Posts
Ooc — Ells
All good on my end!

Ah such a black command. Lucani's yellow eyes blinked from the trespasser to the warrior Dio. Thuringwethil's deathly order was given to him, not to Lucani — and briefly she wondered if this was because the Alpha knew Lucani would not obey without explanation. The healer would kill a wolf, yes, and a mix of instinct and command would make it all the more likely, but there was a good chance she would hesitate if not first given a reason as to why they couldn't question the trespasser for thirty seconds before slaughtering her outright. This little creature was terrified and bewildered. Why? Had someone sent her here? Who? Was it possible there was some sadist within Sleeping Dragon's own ranks who had cruelly directed her straight into the warrior pack's sharp fangs?

So Lucani would not have blindly murdered their mysterious victim just because she'd been commanded to. However, she had always known Thuringwethil to be hard and merciless, and yet still stood by her side. She did not object to the command as directed at Dio, and she had no intention of letting her go.

But the last thing she'd expected was an attack, and so was winded and staggered for a moment as the trespasser crashed into her. Regaining herself as quickly as she could, Lucani didn't hesitate in chasing after her, teeth flashing for a nip of that silver-black tail.
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RE: there is only one god and his name is death - by Lucani - April 04, 2016, 06:06 AM