Sleeping Dragon a language that makes boats out of our bones
117 Posts
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As ever, the woman can be found on the borders. She waited daily for the return of Tatkret, but knew that the mission she had put him to would take time. She did not fear for his safety; prior to his leaving, she had put the fear of death in him again to make him more cautious and mistrustful of all things. It was perhaps cruel, but a necessary evil that need be done. 

Sangilak marks the land diligently, and now and again pauses to alertly look beyond the Dragon lands. But there is nothing there to chase off or keep out, and so she continues her trek. In the near-distance there is another, doing much the same thing as she. Sangilak had yet to think of diminishing the distance between them, being quite thorough in her own task and not desiring to leave one stone untouched. When they came together eventually, however, she would join him on his watch. 
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RE: a language that makes boats out of our bones - by Sangilak - April 06, 2016, 02:08 PM