Blackfoot Forest take heart, arise, he is calling for you
74 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
In an attempt to integrate himself with the pack, Goober sought out company today. He had, for all intents and purposes, been scarce the past few weeks (perhaps even as long as a month). Nightmares kept him from sleeping, and so he had taken to wandering around in a half-asleep state for much of the time. Today, though, he had felt slightly more like himself, and in better spirits. Nobody had come for him, and a sense of security began to envelope him.

His nose guided him with ease to a striking girl who could not have been terribly old. Her tail, for whatever reason, seemed to be mostly missing. "How odd," Goober thought, though he did not linger on it for long. There were any number of reasons that it could have been gone, and he knew that pointing out obvious flaws was a quick way to make the other party uncomfortable.

He watched as she slipped silently into a cave, disappearing into the darkness in the blink of an eye. Goober paused, then followed after her, his feet crunching loudly and echoing off the walls. "Hello?" he asked, unable to see how far she had gone. His voice bounced off the cave's boundaries louder than he would have liked, but it wasn't as if he could take that back now.
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RE: take heart, arise, he is calling for you - by Goober - April 09, 2016, 05:36 PM