Sunbeam Lair I walk this empty street on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
I'll stay awake, 'cause the dark's not taking prisoners tonight
47 Posts
Ooc — Mae

 The world that had been spinning had finally slowed down. For the time being, anyway. The young wolf stood, as if she were a shadow without an owner. One more time, she licked her lips, before sending a weak, muffled-like howl where she immediately looked downwards, half in embarrassment and the other half, for submission. Still, it was the loudest sound she had produced since the attack; improvement. 

 She shuffled in her spot, staring at her jet black paws nervously. She was clear with the trades she wanted to pursue. Medic, Naturalist, and maybe scout. She couldn't even talk, so the scout trade would have to wait. Still, she had lots of time experimenting with the plants in Haunted Woods, so her knowledge wasn't so bad. 

 She was confident with her choice, and there was no backing out now. Even if she wanted to. Her grey and blue eyes scanned the land, ears twitching.