Sunbeam Lair I walk this empty street on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
A dragon will never bow down
689 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
A few days had passed since her last visit to the broken girl she'd taken to mending, but it was not of a major concern. Physically, she'd improved considerably, and Asterr was certain that no further treatment would be necessary. Her lack of speech had continued to cause worry within the yearling, but she'd eventually grown used to it, accepting it as a new norm. Even still, she often wondered what the cause behind her silence was, but could never bring herself to look further into it. No, in her mind, doing so might only cause the both of them a great deal of stress, and such was something she'd wished not to do. Thus, the silence was accepted and rarely questioned, and words were carefully picked so that any responses could be given and understood. Lunae very well could have turned the dragoness into an expert of yes-or-no questions.

Asterr had been nestled beneath the canopy of an oak tree when a howl awoke her, the voice unrecognizable. Never before had she heard the other girl's voice, after all, and so she'd had no way of knowing right off the bat. The lack of recognition didn't really matter, of course, for she understood immediately that it was a summoning howl; her presence at the borders was being requested, and by an outsider. That had motivated her to wake fully and shake free her coat of any lingering debris, before setting out in the direction the call had come from. Her pace was moderate, body still waking up with each step taken, but she saw no issue with that. If the assumed stranger was unable to wait, then that would alert the chieftess to one of their less desirable traits. In part, her pace was the result of a plan, but it was also partially due to her having woken up only moments prior.

When the girl had finally gotten close enough to see the one that had called her, the ears atop her crown were quick to perk up. Even her expression seemed to brighten, though within there lingered a hint of concern. Had something happened? The rest of the distance between them was then closed as soon as possible, and an opportunity was taken to observe the other's body language. There was submission within the way that she stood, bringing forth a single question: "Have you come to join us?"
You're a mirror with two faces
Two sides, simple as that
Thread titles are from Hyuna’s “How’s This”