Qeya River maybe on the dark side, we could be together
what's done is never done
385 Posts
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For the first time since leaving Sleeping Dragon, Warbone moved in a southeast direction towards his former haunt. Before this moment he had been a wolf hard-pressed to be attracted to his past, but Thuringwethil and Gyda and their wolves crossed his thoughts on occasion, and though he did not regret his decision to depart from them, he felt some indescribable way about the manner in which he had departed. His journey was not taking him to one of apology, but he toyed with the idea of explaining himself, or otherwise seeking to mend a relationship that had been certainly burned by the fire of his inherent arrogance.

Giving Maplewood an incredible girth, he wound up on the southernmost stretch of the river, looking at the distant Sleeping Dragon and immediately changing his mind. He might've gone back to the Willows, but across the always-frigid river was the cut figure of an onyx Amazon— and he knew her, even at this distance, even without the aid of her scent. Finding a leaner section of river, Warbone began to leap through the icy waters, crossing in a mass of sound and shining droplets.
if sins were etched into the surface of bones,
i’d need another skeleton to record all my wrongs
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RE: maybe on the dark side, we could be together - by Warbone - April 14, 2016, 11:21 AM