Sleeping Dragon a language that makes boats out of our bones
i've lost the word for prayer
258 Posts
Ooc — Mica
He gives her room to inspect him and do as she needs while he keeps his head down and ears against the back of his head. He turns his nose to inhale a long breath, memorizing her scent; he’d noticed it on the borders several times over and it surprises him that he’s just now seeing her but it doesn’t unsettle him. Shaking the thought away, he begins to follow along in her way of suggestion, even if he’d already made a round. It never hurt to check back for spots he could have missed.

“Gavriel,” he introduces then, stepping into a long stride to match her heavy footfalls.
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RE: a language that makes boats out of our bones - by Gavriel - April 16, 2016, 05:51 PM