Sleeping Dragon you're seeing black and blue, so i'll paint you a clear blue sky
i've lost the word for prayer
258 Posts
Ooc — Mica
It is not long before he is accompanied. Most of his time on the borders is spent alone but he never complains. The times he does have the chance to have company is nice, even if they don’t speak to one another very much—such was the way of Sangilak—but the silence is never uncomfortable. Gyda has more words to her, as he recalls from the first time they meet, and it makes him wonder how things would have panned out if she’d not been so open that night.  Eventually, he is sure he would have found Drageda, but it is luck he had that night and their search had been over. Seregryn settled in nicely under the cusp of their Heda.

“Gyda,” he murmurs with a slight tilt of his head, though seeing her on the borders isn’t a surprise either. His tail wags and he moves, slipping to nudge her chin with his cool nose before he settles back a safe and respectful distance away. “The borders are always quiet this early.”
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RE: you're seeing black and blue, so i'll paint you a clear blue sky - by Gavriel - April 16, 2016, 05:56 PM