Larksong Grotto truth coming out of her well to shame mankind
all you did will be undone
545 Posts
Ooc — Java
They stood together, although while Reek got to his feet and leveraged his weight against her sturdy form, she was watching the cliffs and ridges in the direction the call had come from. She was distracted even while aiding him. Once they got moving things were slow but not impossible; she helped him when the need was there, let him lean upon her when the stress of walking was too much for his injured body, and gradually they moved together to the place where the call had come from. 

Thus far Reek had not mentioned anything about the Dragons or his deal with them to Tavi. She was oblivious, but recognized the narrow, swarthy figure of Thuringwethil from her encounter upon the glacier. The woman was a nameless entity to the Alpha, but Tavi knew she was dangerous by virtue of where she came from. Upon spotting her, Tavi halted. She stared with unconcealed surprise, and then glanced at Reek, brow furrowing with a look that clearly said, what the fuck? The stranger did not come alone, and this too bothered her. Before more than a moment could pass the gray woman departed from Reek's side and cut him off before he could get much further; she was moving while Thuringwethil was speaking, making a tactical decision to put her bulk between the two Dragons and her wounded partner.

Even if she was thinking about leaving the grotto, she wasn't about to let Reek be pulled apart at the seams by these beasts.

Thuringwethil's words sink in to Tavi's mind slowly, and she mulls them over, her face as impassive as she can make it — she desperately wants to turn and snap something at Reek. Questions flood her mind. Who are these wolves? Why are there Dragons on her doorstep? What did she mean by return? She remains silent and guarded, acting more like a Beta than a real leader while she lets Reek figure out this whole mess that Tavi is now faced with. It is clear she is not happy, but she isn't sure where to direct her emotions — towards Reek whose spirit was already decomposing, or towards these Dragons that dare come so close to the grotto?
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RE: truth coming out of her well to shame mankind - by RIP Tavi - April 17, 2016, 02:04 AM