Larksong Grotto truth coming out of her well to shame mankind
Hope is for presidents and dreams are for people who are sleeping
1,343 Posts
Ooc — Ryan
As Thuringwethil speaks, Reek realizes this is not the diplomatic trip she had spoken of in their previous encounter. No, this meeting is far more sinister and it carries the heavy implication of war. A war Reek desperately wishes not to entangle his wolves in. This coalition carried with it much more trouble than Reek had initially realized. Having been so set on making the right choices and ensuring the safety of his own wolves, he was inadvertently leading them into danger.

Tavi speaks first. Her tone drips with anger. Looking over to his co-alpha, Reek saw the disappointment, the avarice, and the surprise lingering behind her eyes. "This isn't at all what I wanted," speaks Reek, hanging his head low. The coalition was to be a defensive thing: a mechanism for deterrance against aggression from the maplewood... or so Reek had thought. "I just wanted to protect us Tav."

"There must be another way," he continues, this time directing his speech to Thuringwethil. War was to be avoided at all costs. Reek could not afford it, and Tavi, she would not have it (of that, Reek was sure). However, at this point, Reek knew there was no way to make everyone happy.
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RE: truth coming out of her well to shame mankind - by Reek - April 18, 2016, 09:24 AM