Sleeping Dragon but stars burn out, my dear, and everything golden dies
run wild. live free. love strong.
321 Posts
Ooc — Riven
"No," came her response, instant and firm after her niece's offer to leave.

Magpie moved to block Wildfire's exit, taking the opportunity to look into the younger female's soft gold eyes. It was an act of pure dominance, her bright green eyes fierce with an inexplicable anger; the Redhawk's final, meek comment remained unacknowledged. Their paired reaction— Thuringwethil's and Wildfire's— only agitated the Corvidae's storming emotions further, for it seemed she actually had stumbled upon something to be angry about, though she didn't know what it was or why.

Her eyes moved from the fiery silhouette from the dark shadow that was the Commander, and what Magpie's expression conveyed to the Heda, not even Magpie knew— was it hurt, anger, both? But within the space of a few, tense heartbeats, the Beta turned and exited the den. As she propelled forward, desiring to put as much distance between herself and whatever she had interrupted, her hind paws churned the earth at the den's entrance.
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RE: but stars burn out, my dear, and everything golden dies - by OG Magpie - April 23, 2016, 08:14 PM