Sleeping Dragon you're seeing black and blue, so i'll paint you a clear blue sky
i've lost the word for prayer
258 Posts
Ooc — Mica
Gyda’s words do not surprise him. It never surprises him when wolves outside their own do not understand. They sometimes contradict the basic instinct, their survival techniques are different, and he’d never really had to face that. Until now. Drageda is a hybrid of is own, and the rest of the world, and listening to Gyda brings that to the forefront of his mind and all he can do is offer a slight smile that he doesn’t let linger for more than a few seconds.

“I am sure Heda is aware of what he’s tallied since he’s been here,” he offers, glancing to the side and then forward again. The sky is starting to turn a lighter shade of blue as the sun rises behind them, slowly illuminating the world around them. “I do not think he will get away without repaying in full, and then some,” he muses. He shrugs one shoulder indifferently. Gyda might not even understand after he speaks, or maybe she did before, but the whole dynamic is one giant question mark; there shouldn’t even be someone next to his leader and yet, here they are.

When she speaks again, he realizes their former neighbor had also been on the sea and that causes him to slow his gait and come to a stop. He stretches, feeling the tiredness of the morning begin to settle in. “Why settle Drageda here, if you both are from the sea?” Everything was different. Maybe not wrong, but Gavriel isn’t sure. Anything he expected from Heda, when it came to their rebuild, differs from their home and perhaps there had been purpose behind that that he doesn’t yet see.
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RE: you're seeing black and blue, so i'll paint you a clear blue sky - by Gavriel - April 25, 2016, 08:01 AM