Sleeping Dragon you're seeing black and blue, so i'll paint you a clear blue sky
with fire in her veins
262 Posts
Ooc — torvi
Gyda notices the tenseness in Gavriel's posture though she is relaxed. She didn't think what she was going to ask him would be all that horrendous — but did she knew? As it stood, she was still confident that it was a good deal, just as she'd spoken to Thuringwethil. No strings attached and all that; but allowed herself to realize that it might not seem that way to him ...or any other male that she inquires to if Gavriel declines. Gyda hopes that he does not, but she would accept his rejection if he refused and move on without a second thought. “You can tell me no and I promise that I will not persist or think any less of you,” Gyda liked to keep things simple like that; though perhaps her willingness not to hold it against him was due to her blatant lack of romantic interest in the opposite sex. Would she have been romantically interested in him her feelings and approach to this whole scenario, she realized, might have been entirely different.

“I want to be a mother,” Gyda told him simply, so that he might catch onto her drift though Gyda did not intend to let him without an explanation for long. “I am not looking for a mate, only a sire for my children,” Beneath her confidence she couldn't help but acknowledge that she was a little scared. Perhaps of the idea of what it took to make children, not so much of his rejection as if he said yes and expected her to become wifey material. Perhaps, if that were to be so, there were worse fates but Gyda was very much independent and very much despised the idea of being forced into something she didn't want. It was too bad that procreation was nothing something Gyda could accomplish on her own.

“I have spoken with Heda about it and her condition was that they be of Drageda blood. You are my first choice but do not feel guilty for refusing, if that is what you wish.” She didn't want him to feel pressure. The choice was solely his to accept or reject, she reclined back upon her haunches, awaiting his response, something akin to nerves fluttering about in her stomach though she tried her very best to dismiss and ignore them.
and armor underneath her skin
who crushes the world beneath her feet
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RE: you're seeing black and blue, so i'll paint you a clear blue sky - by Gyda - April 25, 2016, 09:01 AM