Sleeping Dragon you're seeing black and blue, so i'll paint you a clear blue sky
with fire in her veins
262 Posts
Ooc — torvi
Gyda watched him studiously for his reaction, eager and also, perhaps for her own sake of not wanting to feel disappointment if he were to refuse, guarded. He replied with an “ok” that made Gyda immediately began to analyze wondering if it could really be that simple. Sure, she'd imagined a thousand different scenarios in her mind half of them where things would go smoothly and simply as they appeared to here and now, and half where all the worst scenarios occurred. In the here and now with the apparent simplicity she felt the urge to distrust it, and gave a sage nod of her head when he reiterated that as long as Thuringwethil didn't mind he would be ok with filling the role she'd sought him for. Gratitude swelled beneath her beast and for a moment Gyda couldn't help but give him a bright smile at the chance he was giving her. For a while now, children had been all she'd wanted and he was going to fulfill that wish. “Thank you Gavriel,” Gyda, caught in the moment of her sheer and unbidden joy moved forward to press her nose to his cheek and offer him a small lick: the equivalent of a human kiss upon the cheek.

When she pulled back, however, her expression was contemplative though still bright with her jubilation. “Originally I had not intended to allow them contact with their father,” Because even if they were not or ever mates Gavriel would still be their father by blood. Her ears slicked back to rest at half mast atop her skull. “but I cannot do that to you,” Perhaps because she knew him, or out of her never-ending gratitude towards him that so very suddenly caused her to make an amendment to her previously strict guidelines. “If you don't want to be present in their lives as their father you don't have to be, but if you want to be that role then I will not stop you or discourage it.” This decision was also his.

Perhaps she wasn't doing him a favor at all, she didn't know, but she wanted to put it out there, just in case, so he knew he had a choice of if he wanted to be in their lives or not.
and armor underneath her skin
who crushes the world beneath her feet
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RE: you're seeing black and blue, so i'll paint you a clear blue sky - by Gyda - April 25, 2016, 10:09 AM