Sleeping Dragon a language that makes boats out of our bones
117 Posts
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The other introduced themselves as Gavriel. His scent had a familiar note in it that reminded her of Thuringwethil, but she thought nothing of it. At this point, perhaps she had that same note. Sangilak, she introduced in turn. As he was among Drageda, there was no harm in telling him this. She was not displeased with his joining her; she sniffed at the earth and noted he had done a grand job of marking. She simply added to his work, squatting and marking where she would to strengthen the borders. Though Sangilak had not seen Gavriel before, she too was unconcerned. She had smelled him, and that was what was the most important. He did his job, and there was no cause for her to reprimand him or be unkind. 
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RE: a language that makes boats out of our bones - by Sangilak - April 25, 2016, 02:42 PM