Horizon Ridge damn moses, back at it again with another plague
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Chosovi so happened to be one of the deepest sleepers in the land. When the locusts came, she was in the depths of some cave at the Ridge, tucked away and snoring about as loud as the locusts buzzed. Many, many, many hours later, the snoring Chosovi ceased in the sound as a bug exploring the cave she snoozed in crawled right into her mouth. It didn't escape quick enough, because in her dream she was just about to kill the rabbit, and she woke up with a start and a click of her jaws. The bug was crushed to smithereens, and Chosovi was effectively awake.

She stood and shook out her furs and then stretched quickly before darting out of her cozy nook hidden away from the world. A nice little gem she had found, that place! It was good to be holed away for a (long) while, after all that traveling she'd been more exhausted than she knew. As she headed toward the forest to find some pack-mates, she blinked the sun and sleepiness out of her eye and saw the bare-naked trees right ahead of her.

Uhhh, what day is it? She asked aloud, quite confused by this all. It felt like spring outside, but looked quite a bit like autumn... How long have I been out for? Chosovi enjoyed talking to herself, and then threw up her head and called for any nearby pack mates.
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damn moses, back at it again with another plague - by Chosovi - April 28, 2016, 01:31 PM