Duck Lake Shadow of the day
dread the day when dreaming ends
1,345 Posts
Ooc — Karmencita
Relax and enjoy the scenery? Sure, sure. Bazi watched Erika depart, noting with interest that she followed the path of the Silvertip wolf. No wolf except Galileo had ever convinced Bazi that the lone life was anything but painful, and she would bet her tail on the dark skeleton would attempt to join forces with Jinx. "That makes eight, or thereabouts," she murmured out loud, adding a tentative strike to the tally of wolves that followed the mountain.

Tuwawi's forceful show of affection nearly knocked Bazi off balance. She braced herself against the red-caped woman, turning back on herself to lick the side of her pack-mate's face liberally in return. At the raw, unedited explanation, she nodded to show that the motives were understood. "They were too close - you were well within your right. That brand new Silvertip wolf had a loose mouth. I wanted to take advantage of it, and find out how they're faring," she said by way of explanation, "Eight individuals now, if we count that rangy-looking thing that followed her out - and apparently, Jinx hates us.. but that might just be posturing from a newbie." Bazi shook her head. Jinx seemed like a woman of very particular standards, and neither Lunar nor Erika seemed her 'type'. They were not like Sitri, Lecter, and Ira, but perhaps that would change. "We get a lot of loners around here, I've noticed - good for recruiting, less good for our safety. That Xi'nuata from the Vale visits the meadow more than she ought to, and now a wolf from the other side of the mountains. I'm starting to worry about our lack of natural barriers."
Messages In This Thread
Shadow of the day - by Lunar - April 19, 2014, 10:23 AM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Bazi - April 19, 2014, 10:49 AM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Lunar - April 19, 2014, 04:14 PM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Bazi - April 19, 2014, 04:30 PM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Lunar - April 19, 2014, 05:23 PM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Bazi - April 20, 2014, 06:49 AM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Lunar - April 22, 2014, 04:06 PM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Bazi - April 23, 2014, 03:08 PM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Erika - April 23, 2014, 06:34 PM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Lunar - April 24, 2014, 12:01 AM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Erika - April 26, 2014, 10:30 AM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Bazi - April 28, 2014, 02:32 AM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Lunar - April 29, 2014, 05:20 PM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Erika - April 29, 2014, 05:49 PM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Tuwawi RIP - April 30, 2014, 02:50 AM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Bazi - April 30, 2014, 05:59 PM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Lunar - April 30, 2014, 07:29 PM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Erika - April 30, 2014, 08:15 PM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Tuwawi RIP - May 02, 2014, 03:05 AM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Bazi - May 02, 2014, 03:27 PM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Erika - May 02, 2014, 06:33 PM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Tuwawi RIP - May 02, 2014, 08:47 PM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Bazi - May 03, 2014, 05:27 AM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Tuwawi RIP - May 04, 2014, 05:06 AM
RE: Shadow of the day - by Bazi - May 04, 2014, 03:22 PM