Sleeping Dragon you're seeing black and blue, so i'll paint you a clear blue sky
with fire in her veins
262 Posts
Ooc — torvi
The truth was, now that Gyda had someone willing to sire her children, someone that was a subordinate, that held some of her affection simply for being apart of Sleeping Dragon as he was, she wasn't sure what to do. She held no interest in taking him as a mate — that much didn't change. It wouldn't have been fair to him, simply because her heart yearned for another; and while her sexuality was not something she pondered often the truth was she preferred women over men. Gyda wasn't so sure she could rip the chance of being their father away from Gavriel; in fact, she knew she couldn't. He was not some stranger that held no connection to her or the pack, or their would be children. Originally I intended to have a loner sire my children,” But she had thought it would have been less messy. Perhaps, facing the dilemma she was now, it would have been much easier to stick to her original plan; yet Thuringwethil had set conditions after insulting Gyda's ability to lead (she was still a little salty about that) for the choice. “so what I had set applied to a loner. It no longer applies.”

Her ears slicked back to her skull for a moment as she went back and forth. “I will not withhold the truth from them,” not as her parents had done to her and her brothers. “Growing up the man I believed to be my father had turned out not to be my father at all. I do not wish to carve a lie to my children. Learning the truth of my mother's infidelity and the lies they'd told us had been a hard blow to take,” Gyda loved Thistle dearly and looked up to her in some respects, but she realized now that she didn't want to be her mother (was it too late for that?). “They will know you are their biological father, and what you and they chose to do with that information will be between you.” Gyda would simply tell the truth and allow the choices to fall between Gavriel and their children. If she had learned anything from herself and her brothers growing up it was that, if given the choice, they would decide for themselves. Mercury had rebelled and Gunnar had apparently been indifferent to the truth; while Gyda was still not ready to face how she felt about it. These days it really didn't matter. Ragnar was in Valhalla and the last time Gyda had seen her mother was shortly before Sleeping Dragon had been founded. Her grudges were old and she was ready to turn them into lessons that she intended not to repeat to her own children.
and armor underneath her skin
who crushes the world beneath her feet
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RE: you're seeing black and blue, so i'll paint you a clear blue sky - by Gyda - May 01, 2016, 06:21 AM