Blackfoot Forest take heart, arise, he is calling for you
74 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Hosannah. A pretty name. Probably just another girl to reject him. Goober shook the thought from his head. The silence wasn't long-lasting, and soon she was asking him what he looked like. Now there was an interesting question. "Grey," he replied, "Not taller than most, but not terribly small, either. I've been told my eyes are the color of earth." He'd never seen his own eyes, of course. "I've got four legs and a tail, too," Goober added, wondering if his goofy grin would come through in his voice.

"I saw you when you went into the cave," he added, "You're little and red. You were too far away for me to see your eyes, though." Goober opened his eyes wider, wondering if he'd be able to see anything at all that way. Nothing appeared to him, of course.
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RE: take heart, arise, he is calling for you - by Goober - May 01, 2016, 02:59 PM