Blackfoot Forest take heart, arise, he is calling for you
160 Posts
Ooc — Java
this was likely the oddest blind date in the history of the world; the blind part was accurate though the date part was hardly true. more like a blind encounter than a date. but anyway.

hosannah listened as he described himself, and found her face creasing with a smile. until he mentioned seeing her before - had he been lurking here in the cave? no, that made no sense. he wouldn't have been able to see her from behind if he was in here. so he had followed her? that unsettled her a little, but she said nothing to that affect.

they're the color of the sun, my father said. it warmed her heart to think of him, though it was brief. i have the four legs, but not the tail anymore. unfortunately... her tone was a bit sad at this point, but she would not let the memory of her beautiful tail's removal make the conversation lag. she reached for him again, brushing at him with her snout and wondering many things. how long have you been with these rose-wolves? her head tilts slightly as she withdraws her touch, and hosannah settles back to listen, though she does not sit back or fully relax just in case he is someone to fear.
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RE: take heart, arise, he is calling for you - by RIP Hosannah - May 01, 2016, 05:17 PM