Blackfoot Forest take heart, arise, he is calling for you
160 Posts
Ooc — Java
she hummed softly, thoughtfully, and nodded - then remembered the darkness. it was far more pleasant with company. hm, i am the same. they are.. very different. very quiet.

the priesthood had been a quiet place too, of course. often her lessons had been enough to satiate her need for company. it was different here though, with the forest sucking away the sound, and the darkness hiding fellow pack members from view. everyone was very subdued here. the lack of ritualistic behavior, of prayer and supplication, made hosannah feel as if something important was lacking.

she surmised her thoughts with a slight bow of her head, and as she turned to regard the light just outside of the cave, felt her hip lightly touch something warm and furred - probably the young man. as she felt him she trembled just a touch, and covered that awkward blunder with a hastily worded, but there is always room for adjustment. time, for it, i mean. with enough time we will surely integrate. hrm. she felt very strange now, and would have idly tucked her tail had she any sort of appendage to control.
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RE: take heart, arise, he is calling for you - by RIP Hosannah - May 01, 2016, 05:45 PM