Sleeping Dragon a language that makes boats out of our bones
i've lost the word for prayer
258 Posts
Ooc — Mica
It isn’t much longer that they are noticed and their chance at the kill are slimming. The pests don’t belong on the base of their mountain and Gavriel’s intention is to prove that. The foxes may not stand a chance, or cause little damage, but they were pesky enough to stir up some trouble if they go and further into the territory. One darts off across the valley, well before he’s able to get to it, but the other scrambles in confusion and, somehow in his pursuit, ends up between the two wolves.

Gavriel offers a fleeting glance toward Sangilak, a snarl once he’s focused back on the overgrown rodent, and begins to charge the creature back toward the dark woman.
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RE: a language that makes boats out of our bones - by Gavriel - May 03, 2016, 11:33 PM