Whitebark Stream the door slammed loud and rose up a cloud of dust on us
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The deed had been done. She and Sitiyok had consummated their mateship many times over; her heat was at its near finish, and her mind was less-clouded and overwhelmed. She had rest upon the beach, thinking of Drageda, knowing she must tell Thuringwethil of the decision she had made. Sitiyok had gone to hunt, and she, exhausted and spent from days on end of copulation and flirtation, did not join him. He had no reason to worry; upon their stretch of the beach near Dragoncrest, none had come near. The earth was thick with the scent of them, the place all but claimed.

He could have went for oceanfare, but he had decided on something else to fetch. Midafternoon came and went, and when he was still not returned, Sangilak began to scale the cliffs where the edgers were steep but not sheer, moving up the same way she had gone down. He had been gone a little over a day which was not strange in their world; hunts could take a long while when one was a lone wolf. What she saw was the devastated world... and she grunted.

Her own travels took her good time. When she arrived to Sitiyok, finding him in the barren world, she moved to the edge of the waters. She saw him just as he fell into the river, and her pace quickened. Sangilak's ears perked as she scouted for proof of life, letting out a low and anxious whine.
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RE: the door slammed loud and rose up a cloud of dust on us - by Sangilak - May 04, 2016, 12:13 PM